
What Is Hdr On A Camera


What is HDR on the iPhone 5 Photographic camera?

HDR button on iPhone 5 Camera app
Tapping this button on your iPhone 5 will toggle HDR mode on and off

HDR is a setting on the iPhone Camera app. The messages correspond Loftier Dynamic Range. But what does that hateful?

It means that your camera volition process photos slightly differently than normal in social club to capture greater detail from brilliant and nighttime areas in your photo. This can exist proficient for some situations, but bad for others. Here is an case of a elementary photograph taken on an iPhone 5, with and without HDR. Exercise you encounter the difference?

HDR off iPhone Photography example
HDR turned off.
HDR on iPhone example photo
HDR turned on.

The reflected light on the tabular array is sharper and the shadows are cleaner with HDR. But the biggest difference is through the window. Take a wait at a ingather of only that portion of the photo, and notice how the HDR version captured the texture of the snow and the house across the street.

example HDR on close up Example HDR off close up

So what's going on here? What is HDR?

Before it was a push button on the iPhone, HDR was a photographic technique for dealing with tricky lighting situations.  Having both bright spots and shadows in the aforementioned frame can make it tricky to capture a skillful image – oft, either the vivid parts will lack detail, or the shadowy parts will appear besides night, similar in the examples below. In the first photo, the heaven is washed out. In the second photo, the landmass is also dark to come across any detail.

Flower HDR Flower HDR

HDR Photography solves this problem by taking several dissimilar versions of the photo in rapid succession, and merging them together into a unmarried image. Each version volition be adjusted to a slightly unlike brightness – so your iPhone will accept one photo for the shadowy parts, and one for the vivid parts. Then it will merge the best elements of each of these photos together into a single photo that has vivid item all the way through.


Technically, the procedure is a little flake more complicated than this, of course. There are lots of apps on the marketplace that process HDR images slightly differently, and they are worth exploring if you lot are interested in creating images like the one below.

But what you really need to understand is how and when to turn HDR on. It all depends on the situation, and so hither are some things to proceed in mind.

  1. HDR will meliorate manyoutdoor and landscapes scenes. Because these settings often have both dark and light areas, you volition often lose details. Turn on HDR to compensate.
  2. HDR is great for making the most ofdim lighting. Simply make sure you lot turn off the flash. It won't work well with the longer exposure.
  3. Because it is taking several different images, HDR is slower. So if you are capturing amoving object, or you are taking several photos in quick succession, you lot should probably plow HDR off.
  4. HDR will eliminate shadowy or washed out areas. So if you are trying to create a certain mood, or photo asilhouette, you should turn HDR off.

Beyond that, experiment! Now that you understand what HDR does, it's upwardly to you to see how it affects your photos. Some photographers brand their whole living shooting HDR images, while others never utilize it.


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