A common question moving-picture show photographers get is why do you nevertheless shoot film?  Afterwards all, digital cameras are more than advanced than ever, y'all can instantly see and share the results, and digital photos don't come up with a per paradigm cost to processing.

Permit me start off by maxim this commodity isn't an argument on how film is amend overall than digital.  I'm not that ignorant. Rather, this article is meant to bear witness how shooting film is still relevant for photographers today. Shooting film present seems like a novelty reserved for grandparents and hipsters, but does information technology still hold its ground in a world where everything is digital? We have Instagram, VSCO Cam, and hundreds of other applications that will emulate the await of film, then does shooting actual film make a difference?

From left to right: Canon Eos Elan, Mamiya RZ67, Mamiya 645 AFD

iv Reasons Why Motion-picture show is Still King of Natural Light Photography

Why does film matter? I'k going to make a bold claim and say that shooting moving picture in natural light is ameliorate than shooting digital in natural light. Of course, at that place are thousands of other scenarios where digital will sweep the flooring with film, simply when it comes to natural light photography, film is withal meliorate. If yous don't agree, hear me out offset, I'll give you lot iv reasons why film is the Rex of Natural Lite.

All of the following photos I shot with 100% natural light. If you want to acquire more about natural calorie-free shooting techniques exist sure to check out these manufactures.

1. Film Controls Highlights Well

Ane surface area where I see film having a clear advantage over digital is in natural light. Motion-picture show is meant to be shot in natural light, and that's where it thrives. It is much more than forgiving when it comes to overexposure, and it doesn't blow out highlights equally easily as digital cameras. This is especially helpful when I'm using the brightest thing in our solar system as a hair light.

Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/2.8 and Kodak Portra 400
Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/ii.viii and Kodak Portra 400

In the photo above, I accept Emily continuing in some bamboo shoots with the sun direct backside her. If I shot this with my Catechism 5Dm3 I know I'd be dealing with a lot more blown out highlights. In this photograph, the Portra 400 (the picture show) is doing a great job controlling the highlights, and I'm able to capture the dainty out of focus bamboo shoots equally well equally details in her hair.

2. Picture show Blends Light and Color Better

Digital camera sensors, are made upward of millions of tiny squares that requite us an image. Film isn't dissever upwards in such a linear way, and because of that, information technology naturally blends light and colors better.

Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/2.8 and Kodak Portra 400
Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/2.viii and Kodak Portra 400

In the photo, above nosotros have a beautifully blended green bokeh in the foreground. In all my years of shooting photos, I have yet to meet a digital camera that can blend light and color every bit well equally a picture camera. Out of focus areas are meant to draw your attending into the areas in focus, but this foreground bokeh is so cute and distracting I nearly forget there'south a person in the photograph.

3. Pic Has Aesthetically Pleasing Grain

One of the worst things virtually digital cameras is too 1 of the best things about film, the grain. The grain that you get from movie is much more than pleasing and natural than digital cameras, and it adds to the texture and graphic symbol of the photo.

Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/2.8 and Kodak Portra 400
Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/2.8 and Kodak Portra 400

In the photo above, I love the grain I'm getting in the trees, the leaves, and the in the neutral tones. Film grain adds another element and dimension to a photo that makes information technology more tangible and mannerly. Although, you must be careful with your exposures because if yous don't expose properly, you will go an ugly grainy photo.

4. You Can Shoot Medium Format Without Selling Your Soul

Shooting film has given me the opportunity to shoot on a camera format that I wouldn't have been able to shoot with digital, medium format. What's the large deal with medium format, and why does that matter? Let me simply say, shooting medium format has changed the style I approach photography.

Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/2.8 and Kodak Portra 400
Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/2.eight and Kodak Portra 400

Considering of the larger film size, the perceived focal length of the 80mm lens shortens to about 50mm. So imagine taking photos with your 50mm, merely getting the compression and depth of field from an 80mm lens. I'm able to compose and frame my shots with the versatility of a 50mm lens, while all the same getting the shallow depth of field and bokeh of an 80mm lens. Of form you tin get a shallower depth of field with a faster 50mm lens, just when you're shooting them both at f/two.viii, the 80mm becomes something actually special. Information technology's one of the best things in my life right now.

How I Shoot Film

Film is great because there are so many different types of cameras and stocks of film to choose from. You can hands develop a way of photography by simply choosing a type of movie you similar, and sticking with it. I'chiliad gonna become through a couple of my favorite cameras and types of moving picture I love to use.

Well-nigh of the gear I utilise aren't in production anymore, but if you have a keen eye sometimes you can pick upwardly some astonishing goodies from BH'southward used film store. I accept bought some used film equipment from BH and I tin say that their rating arrangement in terms of camera condition is very authentic, so there won't be any surprises when it shows up at your door.

The moving picture I mainly utilize is:

  • Kodak Portra 400 35mm
  • Kodak Portra 400 120
  • Ilford HP5 400 35mm
  • Fuji FP-100C
  • Fuji FP-3000B

Mamiya RZ67 with 90mm f/3.5

Out of all the cameras I take ever shot with in my life, this 1 is my favorite. Information technology'south unique in my collection of cameras because you don't look through a traditional viewfinder to frame your shots, instead you expect downwardly through a waist level viewfinder.

waist level viewfinder
waist level viewfinder

On the RZ67, I exclusively shoot packfilm, or what's more commonly known as "polaroid." I have 2 Polaroid backs for the this camera and one I load will colour packfilm (FP-100C) and the other with blackness and white packfilm (FP-3000B). Unfortunately, the FP-3000B is being discontinued erstwhile this twelvemonth, so if you want to shoot FP-3000B, this year will be your last chance.

Mamiya RZ67 with 90mm f/three.five lens<br />Polaroid backs with FP-100C and FP-3000B
Mamiya RZ67 with 90mm f/3.v lens
Polaroid backs with FP-100C and FP-3000B

When'south the last time you held a photograph in your hands that came straight out of a camera? I love taking photos and seeing how surprised people are when I pull out the packfilm from the camera and hand them a photograph ii minutes after. It makes for great gifts and memories.

film vs digital

Canon Eos Elan

The Elan's are a great camera because they're cheap and reliable. I have two which I bought for about $25 each on Ebay. I take one camera dedicated to color 35mm film (Fuji 400h or Kodak Portra 400), and the other is 35mm black and white moving-picture show only (Ilford HP5 400). I have a piece of gaffer record on my dedicated black and white photographic camera then I can quickly place which camera is which.

Canon Eos Elan with Canon 50mm f/1.2 (left) and Canon 40mm f/2.8 (right) Film left to right: Fuji 400h, Kodak Portra 400, Ilford HP5 400
Catechism Eos Elan with Canon 50mm f/1.two (left) and Canon 40mm f/2.8 (correct)
Motion picture left to right: Fuji 400h, Kodak Portra 400, Ilford HP5 400

For someone who wants to starting time shooting motion picture, I strongly recommend this photographic camera because it does not toll much to go started and if you're a Canon shooter you lot can put modernistic EF lenses on it. I dearest shooting with the 35mm movie cameras considering the camera's are lighter (than the Mamiyas, at least) and I tin shoot 36 exposures. I actually enjoy going out on photo adventures and having fun with the Eos Elan cameras whereas with the Medium Format Mamiyas, I'll focus a lot more than on limerick and framing.

Canon Eos Elan with Canon 50mm f/1.2
Catechism Eos Elan with Catechism 50mm f/1.2

Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/two.8

When I'thousand shooting picture, this is the camera I'g spending ninety% of my time with, and you already know why. This camera basically changes the laws of physics for me so I can get great looking shots without trying too hard.

Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/2.8 and Kodak Portra 400
Mamiya 645 AFD with 80mm f/two.eight and Kodak Portra 400

Determination | Movie camera vs Digital

My journey as a film lensman started as a curiosity, then grew to an obsession when I cruel in love with the results. I used to be a stubborn digital photographer who thought film had no merit other than being a novelty for people who enjoy ironic things. But i mean solar day I gave film a take a chance, and in a manner, that's what photography is nigh for me. Photography is about taking chances and looking at the results, if yous don't like them then you motility on, only sometimes the results tin pleasantly surprise you.

If you desire to learn more than about natural light photography exist certain to check out our Natural Light Shooting Techniques section.

All of these images were processed and scanned by Richard's Photo Lab