
How To Install Security Camera Soffit

  • #one

Has anyone done this? I mounted my get-go Security Camera on my front door on the soffit and used some 2x4 between the joists to screw to (got at least one screw in so it's pretty secure).

But i've also seen video's where people just mount them to the vinyl/aluminum soffit (Simply screwing them in) and that's it? I hateful I judge the camera's aren't very heavy and then I see no reason why they would fall.

I would place a piece of aluminum on the dorsum porch camera just information technology's actually under a deck roof and so information technology's not exactly a soffit but more like a vinyl roof panel.

Can I just screw it in and that'southward it? I don't see why it would fall? Mayhap I can just some toggle bolts?


  • #3

Speaking on behalf of countless DIY'ers who take done just that, while its not brash, yeah it'll probably work but fine ;)

  • #four

I have a perforated vinyl soffit west/ 3' overhang. I have mounted Dahua Turret cams directly to the vinyl using oversized wood screws. Been there over 2 years due west/ 80+mph hurricane winds. Ya..... it volition work. Also have the 4 LED external IR illuminators mounted directly to vinyl. No problems. Like the BIgfish said, it may not be advised.

  • #7

A strip of aluminum long enough to exist tucked into the business firm and facia flanges will piece of work, likewise. Works for cameras and IR illuminators.

20180619_130739.jpg 20190205_150048.jpg
Advantage being no holes in the soffet. Disadvantage being that you need to remove a piece of soffet. That tin can be time consuming, but non having holes in the soffet is worth it, at least to me.

  • #8

I needed to put upward a cam quick-like and screwed the mounting box directly to aluminum soffit with #fourteen canvass metallic screws. The aluminum is pretty sparse so I'd await the cam could be pulled off without huge attempt. But, I call back information technology'south not going anywhere nether normal weather condition. Information technology'll become reinforced, along with calculation more cam locations, when the weather condition is more than conducive to working outside.

  • #10

I did it years ago, no issues for over three years.

  • #11

Good to know. At that place are some places where I don't have super adept access to so i've had to mount my iii photographic camera'due south to the Vinyl Soffit...only I haven't seen any "shake" nether whatsoever conditions. Although at some point i'll probably slip a piece of plywood or something in betwixt and re-drill them to go into the wood...but I just don't take those types of tools currently right now.


  • #12

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  • #13

I did want to try that, simply unfortunately I don't take the proper tools to cut aluminum.

  • #14

I'm looking at installing some domes soon but wanted some input on how best to securely install them under the eaves/soffit given what I have;


Nothing is removable at all & requires access either via the ceiling or roof tiles, both of which are a pain.
I could attach them to the brick wall merely I'd much prefer under the eaves/soffit.
Looking for minimal physical impact/damage.

EDIT: Would I need any sort of junction box if done this way.

  • #sixteen

Yes the eaves are similar a flimsy thin wooden board. I could punch a hole in it with my fist.

So would its junction box be fastened to the outside or within & would information technology be skillful idea to have something solid to adhere information technology to, as I doubtable either way by not having something solid attached to it it'd be easy to remove/move?

  • #19

Because of how flimsy wood is, really need something to distribute the load equally much equally possible. Wood is mayhap only 6mm thick & leightweight.


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