
How Many Amp Battery For Wireless Camera

If only things were this uncomplicated:

This guide explains:

  • What factors to consider when choosing camera batteries.
  • How to choose camera batteries and ensure they volition deliver enough working hours.
  • What constitutes a battery system and why you demand one.
  • How to choose a battery system to power more than i device on your rig.

Of import!Tinkering with electricity is dangerous, and tin be fatal to y'all or your gear if you don't know what y'all're doing. Instructions presented here are just broad suggestions and are not to exist copied. Please consult a certified electrician or engineer for practical utilize. I'm not responsible if y'all follow my suggestions and something bad happens.

How cameras are rated for power

Look at any camera's specifications, and you'll see its power rating listed. Here'due south a list of some cameras with their boilerplate ability consumption and rated voltage:

Ratings of various cameras

*These cameras run on the first voltage (either 7.2V or seven.4V) when used with batteries. If you're powering them via the DC outlet, the voltage is the 2d i (8.4V).

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This chart isn't intended to be authentic. Don't utilise it to make your calculations. Please refer to the manufacturer's documents for correct values.

If you're stumped by these terms:

  • Voltage (V)
  • Power (Watts)
  • Ampere draw (mAh), and
  • Power consumption (Wh)

Don't worry, we'll await at them correct away.

What is Voltage and what is Current?

Imagine your enemy running in the forest, and you want to set a trap for him. Y'all dig a ditch and then he'll autumn into it. The bigger the ditch, the amend the chances of him falling.

This ditch is voltage. It has thepotential to trap your enemy. The bigger the ditch, the greater the potential, or greater the voltage.

When your enemy falls into it, he generates electric current. Current flows.

The ditch (voltage) allows the possibility of electric current (fall). If you want to generate a current, your all-time bet is to ensure there is a voltage ready somewhere. A wall socket is one such 'voltage-ready' point in space, waiting for some device to exist plugged in (enemy) and so current can menses. An electrical device is one that needs current to work.

Pull out the device (or switch off the socket, in other words, break the circuit) and the current stops flowing. The device stops working. The wall socket is waiting for the side by side device.

The voltage at whatever point is measured in Volts (V). Current is measured in Amperes (A).

The near important matter to know about V and A is that they are unlike for DC (batteries and DC generators) and Air-conditioning (portable AC generators and mains electricity). Both are measured in Volts and Amperes, but the manner they are measured is different, and sometimes finding a one-to-one correspondence is impossible. It'south like men and women. Both are human, but try changing ane to the other. The point is, don't use DC formulas for AC, and vice versa.

In this article, we will only refer to DC power, because that's what camera batteries run on.

Canon Battery Li-Ion

What is Power?

If your ditch is large plenty, you can trap a bigger enemy, or many enemies of the aforementioned size. If you exercise this, you have ability over your enemy. If your ditch is too minor, you lot have no ability over your enemy. This is 1 way of using the word 'power'.

In the world of mechanical engineering science, a horse has power – information technology has power to pull a cart. Steam engines and fighter jets have the power to carry and deliver payloads. Electricity has the aforementioned kind of power. It tin can move things too – table fans, motorized sliders, trains, computers and fifty-fifty your brain.

For this reason, we equate the ability of electricity to the ability of mechanical forces. Information technology makes comparison easier. If a horse can pull a carriage xx feet in 10 seconds, how many seconds volition it take for an electrical locomotive to pull the aforementioned carriage over the same distance, and so on. This power, the ability to movement things, is measured in Watts (W).

Power, voltage and electric current are related like family:

Ability (Westward) = Voltage (V) ten Current (A)

Most cameras specify the rated power clearly. Some include the power that additional devices (like the LCD, lens, etc.) describe, besides the basic camera body. When in doubt, take the highest rating specified merely to exist on the condom side.

Only because ane power rating is specified doesn't mean the camera will constantly draw that. Current varies co-ordinate to how y'all're using the photographic camera. The minimum electric current rating will be during 'idle' or 'standby' mode, and the maximum electric current will be fatigued when all the circuits in the camera are running simultaneously.

The only way to know how much ability your photographic camera is really drawing is to exam it with a multi-meter (like the Fluke 27B 27 B Analog Digital Multimeter or Fluke-289/FVF FlukeView Forms Kit). But for full general calculations, the maximum rating specified by the manufacturer is fine. The almost precise values are usually found in the operating manuals of each device.

What is the proper noun of your bombardment?

The difference between a battery and the mains supply is, the battery has limited power, after which it is drained out. This supply is its 'juice', which is provided by chemic reactions. Think of information technology as trying to generate flames by burning logs. If you desire more fire, you need more logs. It'southward the aforementioned with batteries. If you want more power, y'all need more than chemicals, therefore bigger batteries.

The challenge for everyone is finding chemicals that tin can generate more electricity while being smaller, cheaper and safer.

The reigning world champion chemic mix – used in devices ranging from DSLRs to Anton Bauers to laptops to mobile phones – is Lithium-Ion (Li-ion). Here are some features of Li-ion that should tell you why information technology'south used instead of other batteries like Alkaline (AA, AAA, etc.) or Lead-acrid (motorcar batteries):

  • High energy density – so they can get smaller in size.
  • Very low rate of self-discharge – nearly 10% at room temperature. This ways you should wait your bombardment to always be ten% less than its rated chapters (more than afterward).
  • Unstable terminal voltage, but well inside the tolerances of modern electronic equipment.
  • Volatile: Chance of explosion if short-circuited, allowed to overheat, or not manufactured with rigorous quality standards – which ways these batteries are made nether strict weather and are more robust.

Free energy consumption

The free energy (juice) a Lithium-ion photographic camera bombardment tin can deliver is measured in either:

  • mAh, or
  • Wh

'h' stands for hour. It's typically saying: How many Watts or Amperes can this bombardment requite me per hour? It works the same way as our home electricity meters, which are rated in KiloWatt Hours (KWh).

A few examples will make it articulate. Here's a chart that shows how some common batteries are rated:

Bombardment Volts Capacity mAh Chapters Wh
Canon BP-970G (C300/C500) vii.2 7200
Sony BP-GL65 (F5, F55) 14.iv  – 65
Anton Bauer Dionic 90 14.four  – 90
Switronix PB70 (BMCC) fourteen.8 4800 seventy

Y'all need to know the Wh. If the bombardment specifies consumption in mAh (similar the Catechism, for example), the easiest way to effigy out the Wh is past using the Power formula:

  • Wh for Canon BP-970G = Voltage x Ah = Voltage x mAh / grand = 7.2 x 7,200 / 1,000 = 51.84 Wh
  • You effort the same for the Switrnoix PB70. Wh = fourteen.8 x 4,800 / 1,000 = 71.04 Wh (It is officially rated at seventy Wh)

If y'all desire to detect the power capacity in mAh from the rated Wh and Volts, you simply use the same formula:

  • mAh for the Dionic 90 = (Wh * 1000) / V = xc,000 / 14.4 = half dozen,250 mAh
  • mAh for the Sony BP-GL65 = 65 ten ane,000 / xiv.4 = four,514 mAh

Take a expect at the first nautical chart on this page once more. Information technology is dandy to meet modern Sony and Canon cameras aiming to draw less than 20 W. The FS100/FS700 simply draws about half dozen.7W, which is in DSLR territory. That'due south a astounding achievement, oft disregarded. Ane 50 Wh bombardment will provide viii hours of performance!

Every bit a comparison, the new iPad four has a 42.5 Wh battery which supplies 9 hours of performance under ideal conditions. This gives a power depict of about 42.5/9 = v Watts.

A camera with 5W of ability depict and ten hours of functioning on a single small bombardment? We're getting there.

Back to energy consumption. Using either Wh or mAh, and the camera ability rating, y'all can observe the approximate run fourth dimension for each battery.

Let's take the Dionic 90 as an example and compare it to the cameras in the first table. Here'southward how many hours of functioning you tin get from one bombardment:

Dionic 90 Sheet

The formula to find the number of hours of functioning is:

Hours = Battery Capacity in Wh / Camera Ability Rating in Watts (W)

In that location are many factors that reduce the rated free energy capacity of a battery. There is discharge, charging cycles, battery life, current draw, etc. Therefore, the to a higher place formula is not entirely accurate. At that place are more complex formulas but we don't need to worry nearly them for our purposes.

Why not? Simple. Our cameras don't eat ability evenly. East.yard., if you lot switch on your camera you lot consume Ten, but when y'all hit the record button you swallow X+Y (more). I retrieve it averages out somewhat, and if there are whatever mismatches it is also complex for filmmakers to worry virtually. To accurately predict a bombardment's life, you'd have to intimately know the chemical science involved. Most of this data is kept secret by the manufacturers, so why bother?

Every bit a rule of thumb, if you lot admittedly have to depend on batteries and charging stations are scarce, and so deduct the number of hours by xx%. E.yard., from values in the to a higher place tabular array:

  • If the Canon C300 can run for 7.7 hours theoretically, deduct twenty% and assume it will only run for 6 hours.
  • If the Reddish Epic will run for i.5 hours theoretically, deduct 20% and assume information technology will only run for 1.2 hours.

As you tin see, if y'all have spares and have a sound bombardment strategy (more later), the differences are negligible. But to be prophylactic though, I will deduct xx% from all further calculations then nosotros're never caught out. Our formula is:

Hours of operation =
[Battery Capacity (in Wh) / Photographic camera Power Rating (in W)] x 0.8

Before nosotros move on, you have to know well-nigh 1 more than cistron that affects bombardment life.

The result of temperature

Li-ion discharges (ability lost when the battery is sitting idle, twiddling its thumbs) faster at college temperature. E.m.,  at 40oC, it discharges at fifteen%. It charges faster and works meliorate at lower temperatures, typically between 0oC and 45oC (32-113oF).

What about sub-nada temperatures? Li-ion batteries starting time losing their energy capability below 0oC. From Nikon:

One of the master issues that occur under sub-nothing weather condition is that battery life is greatly reduced. The cold conditions affect the electrochemical processes within the battery as the temperature drops. The chemical reaction within the battery which produces the power slows downward and results in the battery being exhausted much quicker than if it was warm. Nether sub-nix conditions keeping one or ii batteries in an inside pocket of your coat etc so that the battery is warmed by your trunk heat and swapped regularly with the battery in the camera will assist in keeping the temperature of the battery in the camera up to a good working condition.

Keeping bated sub-nil temperatures every bit a special case, Li-ion batteries are okay for all other weather between 0oC and 45oC (32-113oF). Some people even refrigerate the batteries to improve functioning! Read the manufacturer's instructions to come across how to accept intendance of your batteries.

What'southward up with 7.2 V and 14.4 V?

Li-ion batteries are designed in standard voltage-sized cells. The about typical is 3.six V/3.7 V. This is why yous accept these weird voltage ranges:

  • seven.2 V (3.6 5 x 2)
  • 7.4 V (3.vii ten ii)
  • xiv.4 Five (3.6 x 4)
  • 14.8 V (3.7 x iv)

Why practice cameras have a DC port at all?

If cameras have a bombardment compartment and batteries made by the aforementioned manufacturer, why exercise they include a DC port?

Simple. The DC port exists to deliver electric current from a wall unit (converted to DC, of course). However, it also serves an additional purpose, which is to allow users to use larger batteries to power more than one device on a rig.

E.g., we saw earlier that one Dionic ninety battery has the potential to power a Sony FS700 for more than 13 hours. But if you only wanted to work for 8 hours, the boosted free energy is wasted. Just, what if you wanted to ability an external monitor, an audio recorder and an external recorder at the same time? You could, with only one battery. Since this battery is larger (it has 4 Li-ion cells), it can't fit into the battery compartment, then information technology needs to exist connected via the DC port.

To power devices with the aforementioned battery, their operating voltages should be within the same 'zone' as the camera'southward. Is it and then? E.g. check out voltage ratings of some devices:

  • Convergent Design Odyssey7Q – 6.v-34V
  • Alphatron EVF-035W-3G electronic viewfinder – 6.8-12V
  • SmallHD DP7 PRO OLED external monitor – 10-28V

Compare this with the voltage ranges of cameras listed in the first table. Peripheral devices are ever designed to operate in the same region as cameras. Ordinarily they average effectually the 12 V mark, but that'southward oversimplifying things.

Anyway, this is how one battery tin can charge all the devices on your rig, should y'all wish so.

What is the ideal battery size?

I'll give you my methodology, and you can decide whether it works for you.

Image Courtesy: Del arte

I e'er plan for each bombardment to run for iv hours, including intermittent recording and standby time.

Why four? Is it an astrological matter? Nope, only an old-fashioned idea that advocates meal times to exist spread four hours apart (8am breakfast – noon tiffin – 4pm tea – 8pm dinner). In a product surroundings, each battery will last for the entire session betwixt meals or breaks. Make sense?

On slower film shoots with larger cameras, you could go by with just 2 hours. That's considering the set up time is usually longer and actual shooting time is less. On most other productions – indie movies, corporate videos, short films, commercials, etc. – I'd stick to the 4 hour marker.

Obviously, you'll also need fill-in. Here's my rule of thumb for maximum reliability:

Always have 24 hours worth of backup in hand.

This is for maximum reliability. Bold I accept one battery that supplies four hours, I'll accept maximum reliability with 6 batteries (6 x 4 = 24 hours worth of batteries).

You'll always carry a charger, hopefully a dual charger that tin charge two batteries at a speed of at to the lowest degree 1:1 (4 hour battery will charge in 4 hours or less). In this case, you might be okay with iv batteries.

Do you recall this is too much? Here's the organization spelled out:

  • The start ii batteries will requite you an 8-12 hour shooting twenty-four hours.
  • The 3rd battery is for when shooting is pushed to 12-sixteen hours.
  • The fourth battery is a backup in case one bombardment fails or if someone forgot to charge a battery overnight.
  • Shooting for more 12-16 hours? Charge the start ii batteries. If y'all tin't find a charging point for some reason, then yous need 6 batteries.
  • The ii extra batteries will also save your life if you tin't accuse for one day, for some reason.

See how the 24-hour rule makes sense? You might experience bad near having a battery or 2 extra in your bag, but it'll save your ass i day. Even if I had one battery that can last a whole day, I'd even so have a minimum of two batteries (probably 3).

At present let's look at:

  • What constitutes a battery 'system' and why we need ane,
  • How to detect the correct camera battery arrangement for your gear, and
  • A detailed case of calculating which and how many camera batteries one needs for a Catechism C300 system.

The battery arrangement

A 'system' past definition ways a collection of parts. In that location'south the bombardment, and then there are other things. All said and washed, the chief purpose of any battery system is to provide power to a camera rig. In improver, the arrangement has to:

  • Connect physically to the camera or rig in an ergonomic fashion,
  • Allow for adapters and cable management,
  • Provide charging, testing and brandish features,
  • Provide voltage and ability direction features.

Let's encounter why all these things are important.

Core parts of whatsoever bombardment organization

Here are the bones building blocks of a battery system. First, the battery:

Anton Bauer Dionic HC Digital Interactive Lithium-Ion Bombardment

As nosotros saw earlier, this is a Li-ion battery and probably has four iii.6V cells, which is why it's huge. It is designed to do iii 'more' things than a regular battery:

  • Provide more power per 'battery cake' (some also call it a 'brick') because more than than i device needs to be powered,
  • Protect the battery from the weather condition, bumps and daily professional employ, and
  • Residuum a shoulder mounted photographic camera system past acting every bit a counter weight.

Since this brick won't direct plug into (or fit into) the camera battery compartment, yous demand to find a way to physically attach this thing to a camera or rig.

For this reason, the battery is mounted on a bombardment plate or bracket or mount:

Anton Bauer QRC-Gold Universal Compact Gold Mount Bracket

The subclass is screwed on or slid into (if there'due south a matching connector) to the rig. Every time you need to change the bombardment y'all don't need to bring out the screwdrivers. Too, when a battery dies for good, which it will at some point, y'all don't need to pay for the plate once again. Metallic plates with gold connectors are non cheap.

This methodology likewise allows a battery manufacturer to produce standard batteries and different brackets for different cameras. A race car changes tires depending on rail conditions – you don't change the whole car every time y'all demand to alter tires! This is a truly modular system, where each function not only complements each other, just together they exercise more than the sum of their parts (a synergy).

Sometimes the bracket can besides charge the battery (optional; only used under certain weather condition):

Anton Bauer Tandem lxx Gold Mount Unmarried-Position 70 watt InterActive Battery Charger, On-Camera Air conditioning Adapter

At present that you have batteries, y'all'll need a charger to charge them:

Battery Charger for ANTON BAUER Dionic 90

The bigger the battery, the more time information technology takes to accuse them (all other things being equal). Therefore, on a professional battery system, information technology is wise to have a dual (space for ii batteries) or quad (four batteries) charger that can charge all batteries plugged in at the same time.

Means to connect the arrangement to your camera and gear

A camera has a sure size and type of DC connector. An external monitor or viewfinder, etc., might have different connectors; not to mention different voltage requirements.

Leaving aside the voltage bit, how can one battery be connected to dissimilar devices with dissimilar connectors? Simple, we need a standard connector (like XLR for sound and SDI for video) that everyone tin adapt to. For this reason, professional person battery systems have what is called a Power tap or P-tap or D-tap connector, from which you run a cable that connects to your camera.

Let'south start with the photographic camera start, the most of import office of the rig. Usually, a bombardment mountain is custom-made to fit the DC port of your camera, like this:

Anton Bauer QRC-EPIC Gold Mountain for Red EPIC

Some other example:

Anton Bauer Aureate Mount for Catechism EOS 5DMkII, 7D, 60D

Each mount likewise has ane or more than P-taps or D-tap ports. To connect your devices to the mount, you can buy (sometimes free with your device) adapters based on the voltage and size of your devices' DC ports:

Switronix XP-MAGIC-12 Powertap BlackMagic Converter Cable

The above has a voltage regulator to power a Blackmagic Movie house Photographic camera. Some devices are fine with the voltage provided directly from the bombardment:

Anton Bauer PowerTap D-Tap to 2.1 DC 12v

If the number of P-taps are limited, and yous want to add that 'one more thing', and so you lot can divide P-taps to power more devices:

PowerTap Multi – Male PowerTap to Iv Female person PowerTap Receptacles

It is designed to provide a uniform voltage beyond all taps, but that might not ever be the case.

The P-tap forms a standard at the battery finish. At the other end (the device), you accept multiple options like DC, XLR, LEMO, another P-tap, etc. There are adapters for all kinds of connectors, like this i for instance:

Marshall Electronics four-Pivot XLR Power to Anton Bauer Power Tap

Some battery manufacturers brand direct converters with voltage regulation built in, just no manufacturer can account for every device out in that location. To convert DC voltages, you lot'll need something that'south called a cadet-heave converter. Take great care, as an error here volition destroy your gear. If you don't know what you're doing, don't do it.

Permit's recap. A battery arrangement has:

  • Batteries
  • Charger
  • Mount with P-tap connectors
  • Cable adapters that connect to the P-tap connectors
  • Splitters (optional)
  • Voltage Regulators and buck boosters (optional)

If you need to upgrade batteries, yous tin can, without changing everything else. The charger tin can take many kinds of batteries, also. When you alter your photographic camera, all you need to do is modify an adapter cable and maybe the voltage. As we saw in the first table, most cameras accept a safe voltage range over which information technology tin operate, so you have some elbowroom.

What almost balancing a rig? Aye, it does that too:

A typical battery on a broadcast camera helps information technology become 'center-dorsum' heavy. A smaller, lighter battery does non provide for much support.

For all things related to professional bombardment systems, I prefer Anton Bauer. To know how to put together an Anton Bauer battery system, check out these resources:

  • Anton Bauer: How to Cull page.
  • The Video Battery Handbook PDF
  • Anton Bauer videos

If you're using DSLRs and nothing else, one piece of gear to consider is the vertical bombardment grip:

battery grip

This fits at the bottom, and comes with two trays – one for the original battery and another for 8 AA batteries. The bombardment grip is more of a photographer's necessity, merely information technology has the reward of taking another bombardment if you take no other recourse.

I always recommend using the grip the manufacturer provides.

How to find the ideal battery organisation for your gear

Ideally, the battery system should:

  • Power other devices on the rig
  • Balance the front-heavy load of the camera and lens
  • Provide a constant voltage for as long as possible
  • Be rugged enough to withstand the production surroundings (temperature, oestrus, daze, etc.)
  • Come with a fast robust charger

Don't accept the 'power other devices on the rig' also literally. Sometimes it's just not possible to ability every device with one battery system. Sometimes, equally we shall see, it doesn't make sense. and it might be simpler to proceed track of different batteries than troubleshooting electric problems on set. Retrieve, a set is a place to tackle creative bug, not technical ones – create a system that is piece of cake to fix and control, and you'll be most productive. Doing things in a convoluted way might seem cheaper and smarter but you're really shooting yourself in the foot.

I besides am a house believer of the battery being a device that balances load on a shoulder rig. If your spine isn't that valuable, no worries. If yous are smart, y'all tin spend a few days designing the perfect rig for your body type and save yourself years of pain and medical bills after.

Having said that, merely because heavy battery systems balance out a camera rig doesn't mean y'all should get one. The dominion of thumb I would follow is:Merely opt for heavier bombardment systems if it simplifies your ability needs. If separate batteries are skilful enough, don't go a heavy system but to balance out a rig.

Rationale? A heavy battery is just dead weight anyway in this detail case, and then why spend money for an expensive dead weight when you tin can just purchase weights!

To detect the ideal bombardment system for your gear, follow these steps:

  • Make a listing of all the items in your rig that need external power.
  • Fix a table of power draws, voltages and ampere draws, as I have shown. Sort it from high to low or whatever.
  • Against each device note down the kind of connector it uses to draw ability – is it a DC jack, XLR or LEMO input, USB, or custom port?
  • Look at the battery systems you are interested in and effigy out how many devices information technology can support.
  • Imagine scenarios where y'all might take to add or remove devices on the fly – is the organization capable of being adapted conveniently? Don't forget to gene in special setups and circumstances. Is everything portable? Is this the simplest setup possible?
  • After filtering downwardly your listing y'all volition be left with a few options, or at least one option. If y'all don't have any options you're expecting also much and you might want to rethink your ideal battery size (every bit I've shown earlier) and find the systems that provide the verbal Wh or mAh that you need for your rig. You can always have ii systems or more if the state of affairs warrants it.
  • Stick to the manufacturer that offers the all-time value for money and service. Consider the manufacturer'south pedigree in video. When in uncertainty, choose the more than conservative option. Price should be your final consideration.

If yous do everything right, you'll be blessed with a flexible battery system that will final you lot through many cameras and productions. To complete this guide, let'due south look at a real-world example. Exist sure to read to the cease, though, because information technology'due south a roller coaster ride!

Battery organisation for the Canon C300

For practice, let's see how we can build a battery system for the Canon EOS C300. The Canon C300 needs Watts, and then for every hour nosotros'll need to supply the camera torso with Wh of juice.

I like my battery to take iv hours worth of juice, so I'1000 looking at a battery with capacity of 46.8, or roughly 50 Wh (well-nigh 5,500 mAh).

At present, I desire to use the following devices with my camera:

  • AJA Ki Pro Mini Recorder
  • Marantz PMD661 Portable SD Recorder
  • Marshall 9″ V-LCD90MD Monitor
  • Cineroid Pro EVF4RVW
  • Sennheisser ME66/K6 Shotgun microphone
  • Senneheisser G3 Wireless lavalier Kit

For simplicity's sake, I'm neglecting the power fatigued by the lens for Paradigm Stabilization, Autofocus, etc.

This rig of mine is lightweight merely of professional quality. On the field I use the viewfinder on the camera, a 20″ Panasonic monitor and record to the internal 50 Mbps 4:2:ii codec. But let'southward complicate matters a chip.

I accept a major pick to make – split up batteries or one battery system?

Hither'southward a nautical chart showing these components with their power draw, voltage and connector type (Click to enlarge):

I have likewise listed one 'recommended' battery for each device, though it might not be the ideal one in a standalone scenario. E.yard, the Canon LP-E6 battery is mutual between the monitor and EVF, so I'll only have to become one charger if I'm going that road. The 'better' choice is the BP-911 or BP-915.

The C300 has four battery options, of which I've listed two. The best option is probably the BP-970G, which gives near 5.8 (5 hours and 48 minutes) hours.

The start matter I look for are the things I can't control. The Ki Pro mini has no option for batteries, so it'll demand an external battery organisation supplying power to it through its four-pin XLR port. If I'm forced to use a brick, I might also power the camera with information technology, likewise.

Both the Marshall monitor and the Cineroid EVF has the same choice, of beingness connected to the brick, so why bother with the LP-E6 or whatever other battery organisation?

Information technology becomes pretty obvious that all the four devices can exist powered by 1 brick, and that would be the well-nigh convenient pick, every bit long equally the budget doesn't play spoilsport.

What about audio? The Marrantz will provide phantom power to the shotgun mic, so that's covered. The G3 can only take AA batteries, and is connected to the Marrantz via a three.5mm jack. The recorder itself has a DC jack with a voltage rating different from every other component already on the brick. For this reason, I determine that the audio solutions will take its ain power. I'll get v hours with AA batteries anyway, and I'g covered. I can e'er get to the nearest store and go more AA batteries if I'one thousand in trouble.

Therefore, I decide to use rechargeable AA batteries for my audio gear. I'll carry a bunch of alkali metal spares merely in instance.

Putting together the system

So, nosotros're gaining speed now. The total power requirement of all the devices (except audio) is 47.6 Westward, or about l Watts. With a fifty Wh brick I'll go one 60 minutes. For 4 hours I'll need a 200 Wh brick.

Oops. Speed kills.

Anton Bauer makes a line of high capacity batteries called the Cinematics Series, but that's overkill, non to mention huge for my particular rig. The all-time option I take is the HCX with 124 Wh. I'll get ii hours with it.

It looks similar I need to either suspension my own iv-60 minutes rule. Back to the drawing board.

One fashion to improve our 'situation' is to run the monitor on its own battery. I could use a BP-970G, which volition give me 4 hours. The aforementioned battery will too ability the C300 if necessary. If I go this route, what'south the improvement I go? Another hour, on average. Is that worth the trouble of juggling two battery systems?

Not for me. I'k already paying for the Anton Bauer, and so why not stick to it? Then, two hours it is. To reliably run this organisation, I'll need at least 6 Dionic HCX bricks (12 hours worth) and if I'thou following my own 24-hr rule, I'll demand 12.

Six batteries is nearly $three,500 at the time of this writing. To charge these bricks, I'll demand a dual charger, the Anton Bauer Dual 2722 Charger. Information technology will also give me lxx Watts of supply when connected to the mains.

The compatible aureate mount plate for the C300 is the Anton Bauer QRC-CA940:

This gives me three Ability tap outputs – one for each of my iii devices. We're looking good:


To connect to the monitor, I employ the complimentary Marshall Power tap to XLR adapter. For the recorder, I opt for the Power tap to XLR adapter from Anton Bauer. The length depends on the rig, merely ordinarily I go for 3 feet (the maximum). This gives me the greatest flexibility if I desire to place my monitor, recorder or EVF further away for some reason. The Cineroid comes with a free D-tap to mini-XLR adapter and so I don't demand to buy anything extra.

Here's the terminal listing:

  • 6x Dionic HCX bricks – $three,500
  • 1x Dual 2722 Charger – $i,200
  • QRC-CA940 Gold Mount – $330
  • 2x Power Tap to XLR adapters – $130
  • 1x Power Tap to mini-XLR adapter – $75

I take ii additional adapters only in case the ones provided by the manufacturer fails.

Full? $5,235, or almost one-third the price of my camera body. Is information technology expensive? Of class. Is it worth it? Y'all bet.

Allow's consider another possibility: What if we eliminate the Ki Pro Mini?

The Marshall monitor is compatible with a Canon BP-970G, which is seven,200 mAh at 7.2 V. This same battery can ability the Canon C300 for half-dozen hours almost, and only costs $145 per brick.

I battery at full charge volition power both camera and monitor for 1.75 hours (i hour and 45 minutes). That's similar performance to the HCX! I could buy 8 of these for only $1,160, and a couple of Pearstone Compact Chargers for $60. To power the Cineroid, I could apply the same charger or the Dekcell Camcorder Battery Charger to use BP-911 batteries, since that mount comes for complimentary with the EVF package.

I could put together a fully functional battery arrangement without any cables for less than $1,500. $1,500 or $five,000? Y'all decide:

How much are you earning from your productions?
Are you irresolute rigs often?
Exercise you own many cameras and types of gear?
Are you lot oftentimes working under tough conditions with a minimal crew?
Are you comfortable juggling many batteries and keeping tabs on charging them?
Is luggage weight a business? Exercise you lot take to expedition for hours?

What do I use when I hire the Catechism C300? The Catechism batteries of course. I don't need the Anton Bauer setup for my workflow, because I don't use an external recorder or a small external monitor.

I hope this example has given you ideas on how to assemble the right battery system for your product. Sometimes the choices are not that cut-and-dried, and this is when yous need to find a tranquility corner, sit down and follow the steps I've outlined above.

In no-time you'll accept a arrangement you volition exist happy with, at least on newspaper.


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