After a iii-twenty-four hour period voting period, this morning members of Yearn Finance's decentralized governance approved Yearn Improvement Proposal 54 (YIP-54), formalizing an ongoing upkeep for operational expenses.

YIP-54 aims to improve on previous proposals, including YIP-36 and YIP-41, which allowed for expenditures relating to hackathons, grants, security audits, bug bounties, and operations employee salaries. Under YIP-54, community members will exist able to audit expenses quarterly.

YIP-54 likewise included a provision allowing the newly-formed Operations Fund to "buy back YFI or other avails at its discretion." Many Twitter users rejoiced at the news, interpreting it equally a boon for the YFI token:

Other recent proposals have likewise been focused on bolstering the Yearn ecosystem and incentivizing broader participation from community members.

YIP-53 established the "yAcademy," a security audit-focused program designed with the purpose of "attracting and retaining top talent," and possibly establishing and profit-generating auditing service in the future.

YIP-52, meanwhile, significantly increased rewards for strategists — the smart contract engineers who develop yield-begetting strategies for Yearn vaults.

The latest proposal's success comes amid a strong run for Yearn's YFI token — even by its own wildly volatile standards.

Since an early November low of $7,700, the YFI has rallied to a high of nearly $19,000, climbing over 200% as 1 of the top performers across the decentralized finance space. Information technology currently trades at $xviii,266.

Too, the total value locked in Yearn's yield-bearing vaults has begun to creep support from an October low of $330 million to over $360 1000000 today.

According to sentiment information provided past TheTie, social media sentiment for the asset has also been ticking upwards in contempo weeks, even as total Tweet book fluctuates, indicating that investors are increasingly bullish on YFI regardless of temporary hype.

However, these metrics likely don't interest the YFI team. When reached for annotate, the Yearn team declined. Said one senior developer in October: