What To Blog About Quiz
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Blog quizzes are here to save your blogging soul! Wow, what a declaration right at the top of this blog post, right?! Yep, Interact quizzes have me that confident, that excited, and this introvert is feeling quite brazen when it comes to the best blogging hack ever that I'm about to share with you… and yeah all this is wrapped up in a little four letter word that makes school kids quiver but makes this blogger full of vigor… let's hear it for the blog QUIZ!
Well now that you know what you're here for… maybe I should just direct you to the bottom of this post so you can see a live, real, full-on example of what this blog quiz business is all about BUT wait… I actually do hope you read my reasons for welcoming this blogging hack onto your blog pages as well!
Yes, let's see if I can spark your interest in becoming a purveyor of blog quizzes too! 🙂
Step right up future quiz-maker ! This is going to be fun!
10 Reasons Blog Quizzes Are The Best Blogging Hack Ever
Before we get much further let me offer a brief introduction, opener, or hook if you will! Yep, this is the part where I try to lure you in! Let's see if I'm successful!
Here are some tantalizing facts for you! (All of the following information can be seen for your own viewing pleasure on Interact's awesome quiz-making website !)
Quizzes = Email List Growth
Bloggers who ask for email addresses from quiz takers can get an average conversion rate of 50%, meaning half of blog visitors might become blog email subscribers! Wow, right!
Quizzes = Product Sales
Bloggers get all kinds of helpful information from quiz takers which then becomes personalized product recommendations that generate 230% more sales than non-personal product recommendations! Well hello, blogging income !
Quizzes = Blog Shares
Blog quizzes have an inherent share-ability factor. People love quizzes and want others to take the same quiz they took, and quiz takers love to share their results! In fact, 3 of the top 5 most shared articles for The New York Times last year were actually quizzes! Yep, quizzes are bigger than the news! People wanna feel good , and quizzes do that!
Well now… quizzes just started looking pretty interesting, right? In fact, if you're thinking something like, "Oh wow, maybe I need to put a quiz on my blog!" you are in the right place! I'm writing this post on Interact quizzes for you blogger pal!
Get all comfy-cozy because we're just getting started! This quiz stuff is a serious game changer for bloggers! In fact, having a quiz on your blog might be the best thing you do for your blog all year!
You'll see why I'm so convinced of the power of quizzes for bloggers in this ultimate list I created for you! Let's keep going!
#1 Blog Quizzes: Fresh Blogging Hack
When's the last time you saw a blog offer a free email course or a checklist or an ebook?
I bet if you think for a few minutes you could come up with dozens of blogs who have all these things and more! The list of everybody's-doing-it-on-their-blogcould include resource libraries, printables, workbooks, guides, swipe files, and even audio files are pretty normal now too.
But. How many blogs can you name that are using quizzes? Hmm… think on it.
There's a good chance you'll come up with the name of one blog… and it's a big blog every blogger should try to emulate with pride… enter the BuzzFeed quiz.
Yep, the grand blog of them all, the mega-blog that gets more traffic in one day than most blogs ever see in a lifetime has a secret blogging hack that all bloggers can swipe, steal, copy, and use. And you know what, BuzzFeed would probably be honored if you use them for inspiration.
So, wanna stand out as a blogger instead of blending in? Ready to implement traffic strategies that the main players use? All set to make your blog become more memorable and less forgettable?
Okay… then blog quizzes are where it's at for you and your blogging future.
In case you're so excited about this blogging hack you want to get started right away and not even read the rest of this post (which makes me kinda sad but also kinda excited too at the same time LOL) here's where you can make your own BuzzFeed type quiz for FREE , put it up on your blog in no time, and start grabbing people's email addresses faster than a kid grabs presents from under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning.
Have fun!
And come back here to this post so you can make the most of your first-time quiz because I got good info here and I have an awesome quiz (near the bottom of this post!) with a super cool special freebie bonus for folks who take my quiz! 🙂
#2 Blog Quizzes: Fun Blogging Hack
Do you have fun blogging? I hope so! I bet it's not all fun and games and smiles and high-fives though. I bet blogging can also get boring, difficult, sad, and lonely at times too! Or maybe it's just me? 🙂
Blogging can be hard ! But guess what… blog quizzes make it instantly more fun!
Oh my goodness I can't even express in words how much I love making Interact quizzes for my blog! I want to insert like 22 smiley faces right here to try to express my intense quiz love!
Okay, so quizzes might at first remind you of sweaty palms, late night study sessions, and bad grades, but I'm not talking about those types of quizzes you had to take as a student in school!
Heck no, I'm pointing your blogging backpack (cause backpacks are where you keep your essential supplies, and quizzes are an important tool for your blog… get it… it's okay if not, I'm used to laughing at my own humor LOL!) toward a fun quiz, I'm telling you about a quiz that makes you excited to take, share and look back on!
Blog quizzes for your blog are a perfect match for any factor of fun you have on your blog! And if your blog is currently sitting at a zero-fun-factor level, well here's your chance to add some zest!
No matter your blogging topic, you can make a quiz that makes your readers feel glad they came to your blog, a quiz that every blog visitor will be eager to share with their BFFs and a quiz that creates a memory of their experience on your blog in the realm of "Oh, I loved that blog" instead of "Oh yeah, that's the blog that has some kind of checklist on it" (No offense checklist blogs, I got some too! But I might replace them with quizzes soon LOL!).
So yeah, bring the fun to your blog with the ultimate fun-factor of colorful, cheerful, uplifting quizzes! You can enter the blog fun zone right here!
Woohoo! I'm going to make my own quiz for my blog! I'm so excited! #blogger #quizzes #playingperfect #blogging Click To Tweet
#3 Blog Quizzes: Creative Blogging Hack
Do you ever feel like creativity is needed for your blogging but you feel in a creative funk, or you feel like all your ideas have been done already?
With Interact quizzes you can add creativity to any blog post or blog page by adding a pre-made quiz! That's right; there are over 100 quizzes ready for you to use as they are or ready for you to personalize in any way you want!
No matter your blog niche, your blog categories or blog topic, Interact quizzes can get your creative juices flowing, help you out when you have no creativity left, or suddenly make you feel like you might be creative after all!
Given the plethora of quiz topics, the endless ways to style and personalize quizzes, and the fact that you can customize not only each quiz but every quiz question and answer and result all adds up to major creative possibilities suddenly coming to your blog in a big way!
#4 Blog Quizzes: Time Saving Blogging Hack
Do you have all day to work on your blog and endless hours each week to make awesome blog freebies and of course extra time to survey your readers and find out what they need help with most?
Probably not.
Time is precious and time is hard to find! Interact quizzes will make you feel like you are using your time wisely!
ROI is real – Return On Investment – and it's easy to get sucked into hours of blogging tasks that have zero or even negative ROI! But with quizzes, you willfinallyfeel like you're in the ROI genius zone!
Quizzes might take you minutes to create whereas checklists, ebooks, and email courses can take hours, days or weeks!
Also… there's a VERY good chance more people will sign-up for your quiz AND share your quiz, and there's a not-as-good of a chance that the same amount of people will grab your freebie and share that with their friends.
I mean when's the last time you shared a link to someone's resource library or when did you tell a friend to go sign-up for someone's email list? I bet there's a good chance even you are more likely to share a quiz than a link to someone's email course!
Don't waste another precious blogging minute!
Give Interact quizzes a try today and start thinking about what you'll do with your extra blogging time now that your opt-ins are all taken care of!
Blogging Hack: Notice I said, "opt-ins" with an "s"… yes, it's a VERY good idea to have more than one blog freebie/opt-in/lead magnet/email incentive, and the quickest way to make a ton of opt-ins quickly is with quizzes! Seriously, with UNLIMITED quizzes, Interact is basically giving you back your blogging time!
Looking for blog ideas? Want more blog traffic but don't have time to create new blog opt-ins?! Blog quizzes are the answer! Here's all you need to know! #quiz #blogging #playingperfect #blogger Click To Tweet
#5 Blog Quizzes: Blog Opt-In Blogging Hack
If you're a blogger, you probably know that having a blog opt-in is a good idea. In fact, having a blog opt-in is as important as having blog posts, or blog pages, or an About Me page.
And, in addition to having a blog opt-in comes the even better idea of having more than one blog opt-in. In fact, there's good reason to have a different blog opt-in for every blog topic you write on!
Now that can get crazy hard especially for lifestyle blogs! Even if you have enough blog opt-in ideas to make a different blog opt-in for all of your blog topics, you have to then have enough time to create all those blog opt-ins!
The thing about blog opt-ins is they should be special… they have to go beyond a blog post which means often they can require MORE work than a blog post and… wow just thinking about all this can suddenly make a blogger feel like blogging will be an uphill battle full of obstacles and not any rest stops!
This is when Interact quizzes come to the rescue in a big way! With quizzes, you can totally have tons of blog opt-ins and cover all your blog topics! Yep, you can have as many quizzes as you want and make them on any topic you want… and… you can make them in minutes!
Heck yeah, blog quizzes are going to be the biggest blogging hack your blog opt-in system has ever seen!
Blogging Hack: Because high converting quizzes are usually brief… a good quiz will take only about two minutes for the quiz taker to complete… you will probably spend more time on your emails to your quiz takers than on actually making the quiz itself.
This is really incredible when you think about it! Instead of spending tons of time GETTING people to sign-up for your email list, you can now spend your time NURTURING your list and growing your blog business like crazy!
#6 Blog Quizzes: Social Media Blogging Hack
Okay, let's just state the obvious: Bloggers need social media.
The more people share a blogger's stuff, the more blogging power that blogger has that shows up in all sorts of ways from blog traffic to blog income.
Now the issue is, how can a blogger get their stuff shared more? How can a blogger have such awesome stuff that everybody wants everybody else to come over to the same blog and check out such awesome findings?
This might hurt at first, but then it will get better… the thing is that a lot of people won't share your blog post, even if they love it, but they will share your blog quiz!
People take a quiz while on their phone, then the quiz gives the option of sharing it, and since the quiz just made the person feel special because it told them they are just like their favorite celebrity or that they are the best kisser on the planet or that they should live in Paris, the quiz taker feels suddenly seen, heard and understood and now wants others to see their awesome quiz result and share in their happy feeling too!
That immediate gratification, that sudden feeling of "Oh, that's so me!" and that rush of "Heck yeah, and others should recognize this about me too" is kinda near impossible to match! Quizzes are just in a category all on their own! Blog posts, blog checklists, blog printables, blog email courses, blog library resources, and blog courses just don't even come close to the potential share-ability of a quiz!
Do your social shares a favor: Set up a fun, quick, nice-to-look-at-quiz and be shocked at how suddenly people seem to LOVE your stuff!
Sure you'd love your blog posts to spread like wild fire… well there's a good chance your quiz will light the flame.
Blogging Hack: When you start your FREE trial with Interact quizzes you'll see that it comes equipped (major bonus feature!) with awesome photos built-in ready for you to use that allow you to add tons of visual appeal so that if you want, you can make a quiz full of just pictures!
People LOVE images (they don't even have to read they can just look at pictures which is super relaxing!), and that's part of the secret sauce of why quizzes are so popular!
Blog smarter not harder with blog quizzes! Blog quizzes make your blog more fun for readers, and blog quizzes make blogging easier and faster for bloggers! #blogger #playingperfect #quizzes Click To Tweet
#7 Blog Quizzes: Blog Content Blogging Hack
Oh… this is a majorly important blogging hack!
How many times have you heard "Content is King!"?! In other words, every blogger knows content matters! Blog posts are super important! Social media messages count! Well… how does a blogger make amazing blog content that is worthy of such royal status?
Once again, Interact quizzes has the answer to your blogging problems!
Yep, with the brilliance of blog quizzes, any blogger can test their audience in fun, unobtrusive ways to reveal readers' favorite blog posts, test out new blog topic ideas, and bloggers can even discover the type of social media content readers actually are willing to share!
Instead of creating blog content on a whim, quizzes help a blogger get in charge of their blog content plans; blog quizzes help bloggers make content their readers are literally asking for, and bloggers don't have to guess if readers will share their stuff on social media because the quiz itself reveals that information!
Putting a quiz on your blog will set you up for a treasure chest of blog content resources that can only be surpassed by adding even more quizzes on your blog (which is easy to do because Interact gives you UNLIMITED quizzes! )!
Blogging Hack: Instead of asking, "What blog content should I make," start asking, "What are the results of my blog quiz telling me I MUST create!"
#8 Blog Quizzes: Blog Strategy Blogging Hack
"Strategy" is an interesting word. It has the seriousness of a CEO mandate while it also has the amusement of a gamer about to pull off a full-on attack against those on the other side of the Monopoly game board.
Strategy is basically a smart plan of attack. Instead of going in with hopes and no way to make those hopes happen, strategy says, "Hey, let's have a mission, a way of accomplishing that mission, and checkpoints along the way."
Instead of dreaming of people suddenly showing up to your blog, Interact quizzes help you strategically have an enticing opt-in offer ready for when someone arrives at your blog that gives visitors reason to then share your blog with others resulting in more blog traffic that continues in an ever growing cycle of strategy and results.
Successful bloggers have a strategy.
Sometimes that strategy is about blog traffic; sometimes it's about brand recognition, sometimes it's about product development.
There are endless reasons and ways of being strategic as a blogger, but being a profitable and productive blogger means being a strategic blogger. Quizzes can give you your next strategic blogging win!
Add some fun to your blog! Make your blog readers excited to share your stuff! How? By making your own blog quiz! Here's how! #blog #quiz #playingperfect #blogging #blogger Click To Tweet
#9 Blog Quizzes: Blog Reader Blogging Hack
Do you know what your readers want? Like really want, need, and would even pay you for?
Sure you can check out your blogging stats and easily find your most popular blog pages and see how many shares your latest blog post ideas are getting, but other than information in the form of numbers you aren't really getting to know the deep desires of any visitor to your blog.
The amazing thing about making a blog quiz is that you can ask all types of questions to your readers, and they can tell you all sorts of crazy helpful information ranging from their most pressing problems to what color of a planner they want most (which would be super helpful if you want to sell planners to your readers!).
By asking fun questions such as "What color do you like" you can suddenly get new ideas for how to design your blog, how to decorate your products, and even how to take pictures for your posts!
With the power of quizzes, you can ask a question like "What celebrity are you most like" and suddenly you know more about the personality of someone who reads your personal blog posts than you've ever known before!
Quizzes harness the usefulness of survey data that major companies have been using for decades to best serve their customers while conveying the feel-good factor of a game or chat with a friend!
With quizzes , it's hard to tell who gets the better score: the quiz taker or the quiz maker!
#10 Blog Quizzes: Blog Income Blogging Hack
If new bloggers have one united battle cry, it probably goes something along the lines of: Show me the money!
With money-making blog income reports peppering everyone's Pinterest feed with eye-catching numbers that make any new blogger hopeful at best and worried at worst, there's a good chance just about every blogger out there has money on their mind at some point.
If you are totally confused as to how you can transform your blog into something that turns a profit or if you are already making some money but want to grow your monthly blog earnings, try Interact quizzes and see if your income increases in size.
How can something like a quiz on your phone translate into something like a dollar in your pocket? Well, one word: email.
Just like many people say "the money is in the list" the new way to grow your list is with quizzes.
If you are looking for a way to gain more subscribers, if you are eager to find out what products your readers really want, and if you want to offer new services to your blog fans, there's a good chance quizzes can get you to your income goal faster than any other blogging option.
There you have it blogging pals! The good, the great, and the super amazing reasons every blogger can benefit from the latest blogging hack of making a blog quiz!
I'll admit… because this is the end of the post, and the best place to insert personal admissions is always when you're about to close something off, right (LOL?) that even I only recently discovered the power of quizzes for blogging and kinda feel like I'm a person who knows what's on trend!
So yeah, I feel a little sad I didn't jump on this quiz-making business right away because I could have had more fun, gotten even more traffic, and figured out the needs of my readers WAY faster if I had gotten started with quizzes months ago!
But hey, blog quizzes are in my blogging life now so onward and upward! And hey, what's a new blogger gonna do with millions of email sign-ups right away anyway, right?! 🙂
So fellow blogger, I hope I've given you something to think about, some hope for your blogging business, and maybe gave you some ideas for how you can take your blog to a new level with blog quizzes! You just might feel you've discovered the greatest blogging hack ever! 🙂
Happy quiz-making and prepare for some major blog traffic coming your way as soon as you unleash that awesome blog quiz of yours (and you might wanna go take my blog quiz that's located right above blogging hack #9 in this post!)!
Excited to try Interact blog quizzes?*Pin* this post for blog quiz ideas! If you're someone constantly on the lookout for amazing blog ideas, follow Playing Perfect's Pinterest Page for even more blog tips!
Want more blogging ideas? You'll love these 50+ blog page ideas!
What To Blog About Quiz
Source: https://www.playingperfect.com/10-reasons-blog-quizzes-best-blogging-hack-ever/
Posted by: thomassathect.blogspot.com
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